Griffin Heroes

有鹰的头和狮子的身体, 狮鹫象征着巨大的力量和活力, 象征着直面挑战的能力.


如果你或格里芬的同事在COVID-19大流行期间有所作为, submit your story and a photo to

headshot_allisonalejo.jpegAllison Alejo ’20

Submitted on 4/27/20

我是一名即将毕业的GMercyU护理专业的大四学生. 我现在在阿宾顿-杰斐逊医院做护士助理. 我在一家关闭了几个星期的外科医疗部门工作, 在那段时间里,我在专门的COVID单位工作.

然而,我们仍然有被暴露的风险因为我的单位又开张了. 作为一名即将毕业的护士,工作量肯定会让我付出代价, 但我很惊讶我从GMercyU社区得到的支持. I appreciate all of the people who express love and gratitude to those of us working in all fields- healthcare, grocery/retail, restaurants, first responders, etc.

在我们经历这场大流行之际,我继续为大家祈祷. 我想分享我前几天在社交媒体上读到的一句话:“独自坚强, stronger together.” Thank you to my GMercyU family!

headshot_jenniferbenson.jpegJennifer Benson ’17
Criminal Justice

Submitted on 4/25/20

我目前在整个蒙哥马利县派遣警察,消防和紧急医疗服务! I answer the calls to people who are having the worst days of their lives and I help them the best way I can. 如果需要的话,我可以通过电话提供医疗指导. 我通过在电话里给出心肺复苏术的指导,挽救了一些人的生命. 我是电话那头那个平静的声音,让你知道你并不孤单.

headshot_billbeck.jpegBill Beck ’13
Criminal Justice

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

比尔是费城警察局的一员. 比尔是东区特遣部队的一名警官, and is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus while completing his normal duties of keeping the residents of the city safe.

headshot_madisonburkle.pngMadison Burkle ’19

Submitted on 4/27/20

我目前是一名注册护士在一个PCU单位, 现在已经成为部分冠状病毒楼层. I love what I do. Nothing is more rewarding than helping someone through what could be the most difficult part of their lives.

headshot_lililancancel.jpegLillian Cancel ’22

Submitted 5/1/2020

I work as a CA/NA at Abington-Jefferson, 我在医院里四处走动,填补每个科室的人员需求. 我的新冠病毒检测呈阳性,并已在规定的时间内失业, 但现在是我回去履行职责的时候了. 我很感激我能够完全康复,并得到许可,回去做我最喜欢的事情, taking care of those in need!

headshot_aryncantagallo.pngAryn Cantagallo ’17

Submitted on 4/14/20

我于2017年毕业,获得放射学学士学位! 我现在在前线,在罗克斯伯勒做CT技术员!

headshot_nickcoan.jpegNick Coan ’12

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

Dr. 尼克·科恩在新泽西北部抗击冠状病毒的第一线. 尼克在新泽西州泽西城基督医院的ICU/ER担任DO医疗住院医师.

headshot_mattcollins.jpegMatt Collins ’17
Criminal Justice

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

马特在新泽西抗击冠状病毒的第一线. 马特是蛋港镇警察局的巡警.

headshot_micaelacoltellaro.jpegMicaela Coltellaro ’20

Submitted on 4/30/2020


headshot_lindseydisalvia.pngLindsey Disalvia ’17

Submitted on 4/30/2020

我目前在阿宾顿医院工作,一直在重症监护室与COVID-19患者一起工作, and various COVID units. 在这段时间里,作为一名前学生代表GMercyU,我感到无比自豪. 我也很自豪能成为一名护士,能够在这个困难时期帮助这些病人. Thank you to all the Griffin Heroes & 所有在第一线的了不起的医护人员!

headshot_jordandzierzgowski.jpegJordan Dzierzgowski ’19

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

Jordan works as a registered nurse in the emergency department at Jefferson Washington Township Hospital in New Jersey. Jordan is a graduate of Washington Township High School and currently is on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus in his hometown.

Giavanna Feinstein '19

Submitted on 4/30/2020

I'm currently at St Mary's in the ER, 作为一名患者访问代表,做患者登记,我整天都在COVID患者身边. I'm also cross training in Maternity. A lot of people think it's OK to go out when they don't need to but it's really hurting everyone around them. 如果一定要外出,请戴上口罩. If you don't then please stay home, 如果年长的亲戚需要帮助,打电话给他们,这样他们就不用出去了.

headshot_ashleyfrench.jpegAshley French ’19

Submitted on 4/27/20

我目前在一个老年人社区的康复中心工作. 我那一半的单位已经被改造成指定的COVID单位, 在那里我几乎每天都帮助照顾感染者.

headshot_celiagagliardi.jpegCelia Gagliardi ’22

Submitted on 4/30/2020


headshot_stormgehrke.jpegStorm Gehrke ’17
Accounting/Criminal Justice

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

Storm is currently on the front lines fighting the Coronavirus while completing his normal duties of keeping the residents of Kirkland, Washington safe. 斯托姆是柯克兰警察局的一名警官.

headshot_amandagoff.pngAmanda Goff ’18

Submitted on 4/27/20

Since graduating from GMecyU, I have been working at Inspira Medical Center in their (HIM) Health information management as a Medical Records/Documentations Specialist.

headshot_katherinehayton.jpegKatherine Hayton

Submitted on 11/2/2020

在宾夕法尼亚大学医学院普林斯顿医学中心做护理助理的第四年! Part of the best Quaranteam!

headshot_mikehenry.jpegMike Henry ’12

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

迈克是宾夕法尼亚州切斯特县医院的急诊医师助理. 迈克在抗击冠状病毒的第一线.

headshot_victoriahercolini.jpegVictoria Hercolini ’15
History, Education

Submitted on 4/28/20

我们老师正在尽我们所能让我们的孩子学习,成长,并保持积极! 我们必须彻底改变我们的教学方式, how we reach students, and supporting families at home.

我在费城东北部的Austin Meehan MS的团队做了一些了不起的事情! We've made videos, used Google Meets, created a functioning class schedule and created an Instagram to give morning and afternoon announcements just to bring as much of the "school day" to our students.


William Thomas Jeffrey ’84/’19

Submitted on 4/29/2020

现在我正在拿撒勒医院后面的帐篷里进行COVID-19测试. 当门诊程序恢复时,我将回到室内做短期程序/ENDO.

headshot_benjaminkeliojor.jpegBenjamin Keliojor ’17
Criminal Justice

Submitted on 6/22/20

我是费城房屋管理局警察局的巡警. 我每天都要处理枪击,入室盗窃和家事. 我不介意,只要我知道我是在帮助别人或社区. Other than that, my job is really just being a counselor for people in tough situations and providing a deterrence for future criminal activity by patrolling hot zones and recent crime spots.

headshot_jihanlatimer.jpegJihan Latimer ’20

During COVID-19, 我一直在努力把我的励志书分发给任何需要帮助的读者. 我的书从图画小说到虚构小说都有. 我正在完成一本秋季中学生的万圣节书籍. 我的目标是让读者振奋起来,成为灵感的容器.


Galactic Teens

headshot_liammalley.jpegLiam Malley ’14

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

利亚姆是加州圣地亚哥夏普纪念医院的一名急诊室护士. 利亚姆在抗击冠状病毒的第一线.

headshot_nicolemartin.pngNicole Martin ’19

Submitted on 4/28/20

I am fighting the COVID-19 pandemic on the front lines from Jefferson Northeast Emergency Department as a Registered Nurse.

Ajia Mays ’19

Submitted on 4/29/2020

I’m currently working on a COVID-19 Unit. I never would have thought I would be a new grad (10 months in) working as a nurse in the middle of a pandemic.

headshot_mckalaottey.jpegMckala Ottey ’20

Submitted on 4/24/20

我在CVS工作,有一半的同事辞职或请了家事假, 这就把工作量留给了我们其他人. 我喜欢工作,也喜欢能够帮助别人, 但我们很难看到人们崩溃,因为我们没有他们需要的东西. 看到人们为最后一瓶来苏(Lysol)而争吵,真让人难受. 因为一些你无法控制的事情而整天被顾客尖叫是很难受的. 说实话,我不会为任何事改变它. 总得有人来做,我很乐意. 祝福那些在医疗保健领域工作的人,因为在药房工作让我失去了理智.

headshot_tracieobrienpetrowski.pngTracie O’Brien-Petrowski ’04
我是费城警察局的下士. I am currently assigned to Police Radio where my duties include supervising the 911 center and the Police dispatch room During this pandemic we are working diligently to ensure the citizens of Philadelphia can continue to contact emergency services and that Officers are able to safely respond in a timely manner.
headshot_gabriellepeel.jpegGabrielle Peel '21
Respiratory Care

Submitted on 5/15/20


headshot_kellistillwell.jpegKelli Stillwell ’19

Submitted on 4/24/20

毕业后一直从事外科手术室护士的工作. I was transferred from day shift to twelve-hour nights in the ICU during the pandemic and that is where I remain until further notice. 我是一名COVID-19战士,gmercy坚强的护士!

headshot_jessica.jpegJessica ’17

Submitted on 4/24/20

我是GMercyU BSN 2017届毕业生,目前在纽约前线生活和工作

headshot_peterpappas.jpegPeter Pappas ’15

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

皮特是兰斯代尔港景康复和护理中心的执行主任, 他在哪里管理一家有126张床位的专业护理机构的日常运营. He is responsible for ensuring the safety of all staff and residents by developing a comprehensive infection control program designed to minimize the risk of the virus to the facility’s vulnerable population.

headshot_anthonypozsonyi.jpegAnthony Pozsonyi ’19

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

安东尼在新泽西抗击冠状病毒的第一线. Anthony works as a Registered Nurse in the Emergency Department at Monmouth Medical Center Southern Campus.

Albert Rementer ’17

Submitted on 4/15/20

Albert Rementer is a local DJ and has been DJing via Facebook Live in order to raise funds to donate food to local essential employees in South Philadelphia. For example, one week he asked his viewers/listeners to donate in order to raise funds to purchase food to send to our neighborhood ShopRite employees. 到目前为止,他每次都能筹集到数百美元.

headshot_matthewrichter.jpegMatthew Richter ’15
Criminal Justice

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

Matt是Target的资产保护业务合作伙伴. 他负责13个目标地点的所有盗窃、欺诈和安全事务. 因为塔吉特仍然是一家重要的零售商, 美联社小组的任务是控制人群, metering, 并为他们的客人保持一个安全的环境. 他们还支持在商店进行的清洁/卫生过程的验证.

headshot_zahrichter.pngZach Richter ‘12

Originally posted on @gwynedd_mlax

Zach works at a facility that provides both short-term rehabilitation and long-term care which has him in direct contact with one of the most vulnerable populations during this pandemic. 扎克的角色是长期护理的社会服务作为居民倡导者. His caseload consists of residents who have persistent challenges with mental health that require non-pharmacological interventions and at times require him to initiate and coordinate transfers to inpatient behavioral health units.

He is a member of the Secured Memory Care Unit which consists of residents who have progressed end-stage Dementia/Alzheimer’s disease. Zach is currently involved in a study through Penn State University to coordinate care for residents who present with Behavioral and Psychological Symptoms of Dementia.

headshot_timsmyth.pngTim Smyth ’08

Submitted on 4/24/2020

我目前在美国国务院的一个虚拟交流项目中工作. 我们正在与各大洲(南极洲除外)的贫困地区的教育工作者合作. 我们正在向他们展示如何通过使用漫画来提高学生的参与度和读写能力!

We are showing how storytelling through comics can empower children around the world through our shared values of humanity. It’s been an amazing experience working alongside these educators who are also sharing about their struggles with quarantine and the global pandemic. 它让我们意识到,我们是一个真正的世界,我们有很多共同之处. Of course, 当我在GMercyU获得硕士阅读专家学位时,我开始了我的漫画教育之旅. Forever grateful.

headshot_ashleyconslavistankiewicz.pngAshley Conslavi Stankiewicz ’08

Submitted on 4/27/2020

我在宾夕法尼亚大学医院的人类表型科学中心全职工作. 我的单位进行临床试验,并提供尚未获得FDA批准的研究性药物. Currently, 我们正在宾夕法尼亚大学医学院的医护人员身上进行临床试验, 看看他们是否是COVID-19的无症状携带者.

I’m also am adjunct faculty / clinical instructor for GMercyU’s Accelerated BSN program at the Philadelphia campus for the past four years.

headshot_juliahenneseytrumball.jpegJulia Hennessey Trumball ’11/’13

Submitted on 4/24/2020


headshot_kelseytimte.jpegKelsey Timte '19

Submitted on 5/17/20

在这段时间里,当一名教师有幕后的挣扎. Our goal as educators is to provide lessons and engage students in activities that will help them grow as learners and citizens. 我们的世界被颠倒了,教室变成了虚拟的课堂, I, along with my fellow coworkers, are working long, tiring hours to accommodate the students. Between GoogleMeet small group sessions, one-on-one sessions and endless meetings and planning we are providing all of our time to ensure each student is still learning and benefitting during this pandemic.

还有一种需要创造虚拟安全环境的感觉. 我仍然在早上发布我的任务信息,仍然提供签到和支持. 彼此相隔这么远真的很不容易, 但我知道我们继续做的工作将会产生影响. Educators at my school also have the opportunity to work all summer long with a virtual program to help make sure the learning gap doesn’t widen. 这些艰苦的时间绝对值得, 但我在倒计时,直到我能再次见到我的孩子们.

headshot_ciaravinson.jpegCiara Vinson ’19

Submitted 5/18/20


headshot_tiffaninoellewright.pngTiffani Noelle Wright

Submitted on 4/28/20

作为一名新护士本身已经是一个挑战,但我是一个自豪的慈悲护士! 作为一名护士,GMercyU让我做好了面对逆境的准备,因为每一天都是新的一天 challenges, new patients, etc. I currently work in a large teaching hospital in the city as an operating room nurse but during this pandemic I have been deployed in order to help with taking care of our patients that need it the most. 我祈祷我们都能在这段时间里保持坚强! Stay home and stay safe!

Jenna D’Arcy Zarilli ’12

Submitted on 4/24/2020

Since graduating from GMercyU, 我一直在阿宾顿杰弗逊医院的中级外科工作. 11月,我有了第一个孩子,小男孩奥利弗. 当我休完产假回来时,我发现他们把我的楼层变成了新冠肺炎楼层.

随着我们的病人比例迅速上升到4:1,我们很害怕,七个班次重复使用N95口罩. 对于我们单位的员工和家属来说,这是一段非常艰难的时期. 我们作为一个工作家庭团结在一起,互相支持.

白天很长很辛苦,现场没有光线. Tears are shed constantly. 我们握着逝去的亲人的手, 拿着平板电脑,这样家人就可以用FaceTime视频聊天了, 在房间里待的时间比我们希望的要长因为病人没有亲人. 如果我能强调什么的话,那就是呆在家里,保持社交距离,洗手!!